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Emergence & Other Poems -- the first book by Mike Mahoney.  This 500+ pg collection of poetry includes the longform epic Emergence (featured as part of Napalm Health Spa's 2013 special edition issue: Long Poem Masterpieces of the Postbeats), the 93 poem-cycle of Native Seeds, the poems of New Mind Ground, as well as selections from other chapbooks written during this time: PowersThis Ancient Ritual, Dear America, Wild Milky Way Wilderness, and three more, spanning a period of five years from 2009 - 2013, between ages 21 and 25.


"Emergence" has some of the greatest incantatory incandescent chant odes I ever read.  It takes on present ecocide on every level yet ends with a love poem to the America Whitman dreamed and we all dream... So many lines I went WOW over, so many passages of wild poetry flow - Whitman and Ginsberg you made happy in Paradiso."

-- Antler

"...a major first book of poems described by Milwaukee poet Antler ' if ‘Howl’ and ‘Factory’ got married and had a child and it was you. Or the miraculous return of Whitman, Snyder, Muir, Abbey, Rumi, Gibran in a tender-hearted 24-year-old marijuana mushroom sacrament wilderness visionquester drummer shaman freedom singer.'"
-- Jim Cohn

"Mike.. I'm with Antler and David Abram on this: Your poetry is powerful and important...Great stuff, and in the great traditions of Whitman.. Ginsberg.. Antler.. You have found a terrific voice, or voices, and your rantings are holy."
-- Rex Weyler

"Waving the banners of wild imagination, armed with stoned youthful wisdom that is sagely and timeless. You grab the forces of greed and domination by the balls -- and twist."
-- Slippery Elm 

Emergence & Other Poems

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